an EVER-GROWING list of resources (podcasts, books, websites, teachers, etc) I use on AND off of the yoga mat. I add only pieces of art/media/people I have read/experienced fully and have found a connection WITH.
Wood Becomes Water: Chinese Medicine in Everyday Life by Gail Reichstein
A source I turn to regularly for my Yin practice. Details all five Elements in Traditional Chinese Medicine (Wood, Fire, Metal, Water, and Earth) - where they’re found in the body, the Earth, in food, in Pranayama, and more.
A Queer Dharma: Yoga and Meditations for Liberation by Jacoby Ballard
A wonderful resource for queer folks. Provides many insights for teaching, personal ideologies, meditations, and Pranayamas. It’s such an affirming guide for queer yoga teachers. Also, Ballard provides a piece in the book on “decolonizing” this Western yoga practice most of us are in and I have found that to be quite insightful and inspring.
Yoga is Dead Podcast with Tejal Patel and Jesal Parikh
A podcast/website/resource that is REVOLUTIONARY. In a nutshell, Patel and Parikh explore the many controversial topics that exist in the Yoga world, such as colonization, white privilege, power inequalities, access inequalities, cultural appropriation and SO MUCH MORE.
Loren Hardy - Yoga Instructor/Friend and Founder of Flow Yoga International based out of Cambutal, Panama
Loren has been my mentor since I first took her class in 2013. I recommend a virtual class from her or a browse of her website/blog for a peak into her world and ideas.
Nikita Desai - Yoga Instructor/Educator
Nikita is a FABULOUS yoga instructor who posts so many wonderful things about how yoga has become whitewashed and diminished over time. I highly recommend giving her a follow @nikyyoga